- free resource
In any given week 500,000 Canadians will miss work due to mental health issues. The smaller the workplace, the greater the impact employee absences may have. Supporting and protecting the mental health of your people is a crucial business strategy, and while task can seem daunting it doesn’t have to be. You now have access to a free website,, that provides a one-stop shop for acquiring information and tools to help.
Launched by Ontario’s health and safety system partners, provides a collection of free online resources to guide workplaces in developing a psychologically healthy workplace. The website provides information on how to address the various workplace factors that contribute to mental health issues at work and possible solutions that can be explored at one’s own pace.
“Addressing workplace mental health can seem daunting,” says WSPS consultant Danielle Stewart. “There are a lot of mental health tools out there and it can be hard to figure out where to start. This website has a readiness tool designed to help assess organizational awareness, attitudes and abilities to enhance mental health efforts.”
“Small businesses can’t afford to ignore mental health in their workplaces,” adds Danielle. “The website is especially helpful for small- to medium-sized organizations that are looking to implement cost effective and easy to use mental health solutions.”
The website lets employers share resources with employees via a widget that can be housed on the company Intranet. This gives employees access to daily tips and facts, short instructional videos, and other helpful resources.
Navigating the site
The website is easy to use. A menu at the top of the home page offers visitors a clear path into the site, where they can
- broaden understanding of mental health
- explore the benefits of investing in mental health - research shows an average 230% return on every dollar invested in creating a mentally healthy workplace
- take the short view - 5 easy-to-execute action items to get started
- take the long view - follow a roadmap, starting with an optional 2-minute survey to understand where your workplace is now
How WSPS can help
Our team of workplace mental health consultants can work with you to identify ways to improve your employees' work environments, such as
- raising awareness of workplace mental health and developing stigma reduction strategies
- conducting needs assessments based on workplace factors known to contribute to a mentally healthy workplace
- implementing CSA Z1003 - Psychological health and safety in the workplace, Canada’s national standard