Protecting new and young workers: this orientation tool sets the bar
“The best way to protect new and young workers is to invest in your orientation program,” says WSPS Account Manager Charmaine Mitchell. “Give them the right health and safety information, instruction, tools and support up front. Use the WSPS downloadable orientation guide to make sure you’ve got everything covered.”
How to use the orientation guide
Reviewing the WSPS checklist can help you pinpoint gaps in your orientation and training program — and in your policies and procedures. But first, assemble a team to take on the task. A team approach to reviewing these parts of the form ensures that all hazards are covered. Besides, says Charmaine, “many eyes make it easier.”
Team members may include senior leadership, HR, supervisors and workers. “If I were an employer I’d want to have my Joint Health & Safety Committee or health and safety representative involved to ensure we’re covering all the health and safety initiatives we should be.”
The new worker orientation checklist also lists essential training topics. Consider personalizing the list to reflect your business. The checklist also guides you through common hazards, job-specific hazards and other work-related information workers need to know.
Begin your orientation with an overview of the company’s culture, values and commitment to safety. Make the training as comprehensive as possible — don’t assume prior knowledge — and open the door to questions, advises Charmaine. “Sometimes, we don’t as employers take into account the lack of life experience young workers have.”
Complement the orientation with demonstrations of safety techniques and emergency procedures, and a tour of the workplace to meet key players and locate essential items like Safety Data Sheets and first aid stations.
After orientation is complete, build on the learning with task-specific training, safety talks, refreshers and other means of communication.
Keep a record
When you and participating workers sign off on the checklist, “it becomes an important document to help prove to a ministry inspector that you have done all this great training,” says Charmaine, especially if an incident occurs. But more importantly, it will ensure that young people have a foundation for a safe work life.
How we can help
Learn more about the new and young worker initiative and WSPS’ full range of resources for keeping new and young workers safe.
Get WSPS’ New and Young Worker Orientation Guide