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Top risks in Food Manufacturing identified

Inadequate or improper lockout/tag out tops the list

Workplace Safety & Prevention Services set out to identify the top health and safety risks facing the food and manufacturing industry, with a goal to develop the solutions and controls needed to protect workers and reduce lost time injuries (LTIs) across this high-risk sector.

A group of industry insiders were brought together to conduct this important work, including food manufacturing management and worker representatives. Using an integrated risk management methodology introduced by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD), they guided the process with their experiences, insights and perspectives.

Identifying top health and safety risks in food manufacturing

In October 2022, a risk assessment workshop was held to identify the top occupational health and safety risks to workers in the industry. Sixty were identified. Each were reviewed and ranked based on likelihood and severity of potential consequences. The top 10 are outlined in this infographic. The number one threat to worker safety was inadequate or improper lockout/tag out (LOTO).

Finding and identifying the root causes

In February 2023, industry experts were brought together again for a root-cause analysis exercise to better understand the underlying causes of inadequate LOTO. In addition, they generated ideas for practical and effective solutions for employers, workers, industry associations and government related to this hazard.

To help communicate the results of this work, the following were developed:

Supporting workplaces to address health and safety risks

Food manufacturers looking to improve their health and safety practices can make use of these newly developed toolkits.

A gap analysis is underway to identify potential opportunities for WSPS to develop new solutions and controls informed by the results of the Risk Assessment and Root Cause Analysis.

Learn more

Published: October 25, 2023

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