130-BPS-13-IGOT © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS)
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Materials Handling & Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention
What Workers Need to Know
Anytime you handle materials, articles or things are moved, you can get hurt if it's not done safely.
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are muscle, joint, and other soft-tissue injuries that may happen
suddenly or take some time to be noticed. It is important for you to understand how these injuries
occur, and to be mindful of lifting, placing or removing, and handling items safely.
1. Ensure you have enough physical space
to lift and handle materials so you do
not need to twist your back and neck,
or reach far outwards or overhead.
2. Ensure you can get a good grip when
carrying items. Use handles if available
and carry the load close to the body.
Key things to remember when manually lifting items:
3. Maintain a straight back and lift with your leg and glute muscles, do not let your knees
turn inwards.