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Hazard Control: Lockout/Tagout for Workers

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WORKER WSPS.CA 130-BPS-13-IGOT © 2024, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 1 Lockout/Tagout Safety What Workers Need to Know Working with machinery can be dangerous. Most machines are powered in some way and can retain energy within the equipment, even when turned off. If you put your hands, arms or body in areas where the machine could inadvertently be activated, it can cause serious or even fatal injuries. Lockout/tagout is the process of isolating the equipment from its energy source, draining the equipment of any energy that may be stored, and applying locks to secure it in a de-energized state. This allows you to safely interact with the equipment to clean it, service it or remove jams or blockages. If you work with machinery as part of your job, you need to follow these critical safety steps.

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