Guides & Toolkits

Agricultural Safety Topic - Protecting Hands & Fingers

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Objective: To understand the need to protect fingers and hands, and how to prevent injuries. Background: Protecting Hands and Fingers Guide: Identify the pinch points on mechanically moved loads, lowered loads and metal drums. Pinch points are created when two objects move together, with at least one of them moving in a circle. Know when to wear gloves. Gloves should be worn when exposed to hazards that cause cuts, scrapes and chemical burns or injuries. Do not wear gloves around reciprocating or rotating machine parts. Allow rotating parts to come to a stop before working on them. Use a tapered punch or other appropriate tool to align the holes in parts. Rings should not be worn when operating or repairing machinery. Remove fuses with fuse removers, not fingers. Do not test the temperatures of gases, liquids, or solids with hands. Reflex damage can occur immediately. Keep grinder tool rests adjusted to 0.3 cm (1/8 inch) gap or less. Handle sharp or pointed tools (hatchets, chisels, punches, awls, knives, pitch forks and machine blades) carefully. Perform maintenance only when tools or machinery are not in operation. If guards are removed to perform maintenance, replace them immediately after servicing. It is hazardous to use fingers to retrieve objects from saw blades, knife blades, or parts moving together, such as a punch press, rotating parts of drill bits and reciprocating parts of in-running rolls. AGRICULTURAL SAFETY TOPICS PROTECTING HANDS & FINGERS WSPS.CA

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