Guides & Toolkits

Guide to Implementing the Work Warm-Up; Stretch and Flexibility Program in Your Workplace

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introDuCing tHe PrograM Introduce the program by explaining that: MSDs are an injury or disorder of the musculoskeletal system MSDs happen when the musculoskeletal system can't handle the load being put on it MSD symptoms may include pain with or without movement, swelling, tenderness, reduced range of motion, tingling, or numbness Some examples of MSDs are back pain, sore or stiff muscles, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis The primary risk factors for MSDs are force, sustained or awkward postures, and repetition Some things you can do to reduce your risk are: – reduce the weight of what you are lifting – don't carry heavy objects over long distances – minimize reaching – don't twist while lifting – take breaks and stretch out your muscles when doing repetitive tasks MSDs are an issue in all workplaces There are more MSDs than any other injuries reported each year beFore work warM-uP Colour poster – 8.5" X 11" or 11" X 17" When introducing the warm-up program, you can print the 8.5" X 11" poster in black and white and distribute it as a handout. The larger format can be colour printed and placed in various locations throughout your workplace. You will want to post the Before Work Warm-Up poster in areas where workers will be starting their day and will see the poster at the beginning of their shift. Introduce the Before Work Warm-Up component of the program by explaining that: Asking cold muscles to do physical work can lead to injury Warming-up will ensure that your muscles are ready to begin working Taking a few minutes to warm-up also helps workers to prepare mentally for the work ahead Ask your supervisors to promote the program by leading by example. Remind them to do their own warm-up and suggest that they ask others to join in. Make sure you stress these key points when introducing the Before Work Warm-Up component of the program. key points: Consult your doctor before engaging in any new physical activities, especially if you have any health related issues Stop if you feel uncomfortable, dizzy, or experience any pain Warming-up is an important part of preparing your muscles for physical labour Read all of the instructions before beginning Make sure you have enough room to safely do each movement Repeat each exercise 5-8 times (on each side, if applicable) Never over-extend; keep the movements small and controlled Go at your own pace During work StreSS releaSerS Colour poster – 8.5" X 11" or 11" X 17" The During Work Stress Releasers poster should be posted around the workplace in areas that are visible to workers while they are performing their duties. iMPleMenting tHe work warM-uP, StretCH anD Flexibility PrograM 2 310 003 35 IGDO © 2014, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 |

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